Saturday 20 August 2011

Elke of Points East

My last post talked about the musical experience of Points East, but our hostess, Elke, should also not go without a special mention. She organises and manages Trail Connections along the East Coast Trail. In this context Points East becomes the starting point for hikers wanting to walk the trail. Indeed we met a number during our stay doing just that (a particular mention to Marshall and Molly). Elke is direct and focussed with her guests, making clear to them the risk of losing the path and of not walking to close to the sea. Elke is a German native, and her and her two helpers - Timo and Inga - form a formidable team. I bet everyone does as they are told when on Elke's hikes.
But Elke is not just a guest house owner and hike coordinator, she is also a leading authority on Newfoundland Folklore and history. Having authored articles on folklore and published a book about Newfoundland and Labrador
THe reason Points East is called that - looking out to the east, follow the sun trail and arrive in EuropeWe are so lucky to get a stay in a place with amazing views, Points East in name and pointing east in truth, so that there is only the sea between us and Europe (follow that trail of sunlight). Plus we get the bonus of meeting people with fascinating histories and stories to tell.


  1. brilliant views indeed!

  2. not anonymous just incompetent, Lin

  3. No problems Linda,

    it has been great having the comments on Firefox, so don't worry about finding out how to do it here.


